A community praying, growing, serving & welcoming in Jesus Christ

What is Parish Social Ministry?



The goal of Parish Social Ministry is to engage parishioners in social justice and outreach activities that allow us to live out the Gospel call to serve others and to build the Kingdom of God.  Clare House is a community space where we offer direct service to our neighbors facing difficulties of all kinds, and expand our understanding and application of Catholic Social Teaching through the use of Praxis.  We employ the “See, Judge, Act” Method to examine pressing social problems.

We strive to build authentic relationships with every individual who walks through the door and commit to journey in solidarity with them.  We offer assistance to alleviate immediate needs.  Clients receive access to: food pantry, thrift shop, case management, advocacy, information and referral, and other resources.

By utilizing education, advocacy, and community organizing we put our faith in action to address structural issues and eliminate systemic injustice.  We feed the hungry and ask why they are hungry.