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Basic and Advanced Religious Studies Program
St. Sylvester Parish offers the courses needed to receive the Basic Certification in Religious Studies from the Diocese of Rockville Centre. The following courses are required to receive the certificate: Hebrew Scripture, New Testament, Church, Christology, Liturgy and Sacraments and Morality. These basic theology courses will renew and refresh your knowledge and experience of your catholic faith. Watch the bulletin for detailed information or email
“The catechesis of adults…is the principal form of catechesis, because it is addressed to persons who have the greatest responsibilities and the capacity to live the Christian message in its fully developed form.” (Catechesis Tradendae # 43) The catechetical formation of adults is essential for the Church to carry out the commission given the apostles by Christ. “Because of its importance and because all other forms of catechesis are oriented in some way to it, the catechesis of adults must have high priority at all levels of the Church.” (NDC # 188) National Directory for Catechesis