A community praying, growing, serving & welcoming in Jesus Christ

Mass Reflection Forms

Mass Reflection Forms Information & Children's Liturgy

Each child in St. Sylvester Faith Formation Levels 2-7, will complete six Mass Reflection Forms(MRF). Level 1 will complete 4. This activity provides an opportunity to deepen our awareness of, and appreciation for the Mass and to take a closer look at what we are doing when we gather for Mass on Sunday and the ways each of us participate.

Young Adult and Adult Confirmation candidates will complete six Mass Reflection Forms.

Regular attendance at Mass and daily prayer are necessary to the development of your child’s faith formation and is expected of all children. Completion of Mass Reflection Forms allows us to move your child up to the next Level.  If you have any questions, please call the Faith Formation Office at 631-475-4506 x:118 and we will be happy to speak with you.

A Service is not a Mass.  Mass is when we receive Communion/Eucharist.  Your child may fill out a Mass Reflection form for an Ash Wednesday Mass, but not for a Service.   If unable to attend Mass, your child may fill out a Mass Reflection form by either watching the weekly live stream at 5PM on Saturday or 11AM on Sunday or viewing the recorded Mass during the week.

Make it a family activity!  We ask that you help your child fill out the Mass Reflection Form (after Mass, not during Mass) by sharing thoughts about the questions. It is okay and suggested that parents and siblings get in on it!  But remember to allow your child to do the work.

For Levels 1-7, please click on the Mass Reflection Form & Prayer Requests link for your child’s level and have them complete. Three easy steps: Click, Complete and Submit.

Level 1 Online Mass Reflection Form

Level 2 Online Mass Reflection Form  

Level 3 Online Mass Reflection Form  

Level 4 Online Mass Reflection Form

Level 5 Online Mass Reflection Form 

Level 6 Online Mass Reflection Form

Level 7 Online Mass Reflection Form

Level 8 Online Mass Reflection Form

Older Sacrament 1/2 Online Mass Reflection Form

Young Adult Confirmation Online Mass Reflection Form

Adult Confirmation Online Mass Reflection Form



Let’s take a quick look at what happens when we gather for Mass on Sunday:

At Mass we are called to “full, conscious, and active participation.”  We are not at Mass as an audience or to observe, but rather, to take part in the celebration of the Mass by means of the acclamations, responses, sung prayers, songs, listening, gesturing, (kneeling, standing, bowing, etc.) and spiritually by entering into this time, recognizing we are in God’s presence.  Our participation in the celebration of Mass is an encounter with Christ.  (Vatican II Liturgy Documents, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, # 30)

  •  When we gather together, we are the primary symbol of the Body of Christ.
  •  We reflect on the mercy of God.
  •  We listen attentively as Christ speaks to us through the proclamation of Sacred Scripture.
  •  We offer our lives, our joys and our sorrows to God along with the gifts of bread and wine.
  •  We give thanks and praise for all God has done and continues to do in our lives during the celebration of the Eucharist.
  •  As the bread and wine are changed, we who are nourished by His body and blood and filled with the Holy Spirit, pray that we too may be changed to become evermore, One Body, One Spirit in Christ.  We pray that we will become the Living Christ for all people who are lonely, hungry or suffering.
  •  We are sent forth after the final blessing empowered to give witness to the world of God’s justice and peace.  Throughout the week, we celebrate Christ’s presence in our workplaces with our families and friends, until we once again gather together around the table of the Lord as the “full, conscious, and active” members of the Sunday assembly!

We would like to suggest that during the week you read the gospel for the coming week with your family as a way to prepare for Sunday Mass.  The following web sites have a wealth of information and resources for parents, children and catechists.  Check it out and let us know what you think!   

            www.FindingGod.org,  www.usccb.org, www.wau.org.
















































Level 1 will complete 4 Mass Reflection Forms & Level 8 will complete 3 Mass Reflection Forms. 

**For Level 1, please click on the desired form and print. 

***Saturday Home Taught and Catholic School children should click on their respective level.