A community praying, growing, serving & welcoming in Jesus Christ


“And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.”    Matthew 18:5

Our children’s ministries provide opportunities for their baptismal graces to flourish as they continue to grow in relationship with God.

Welcome to St. Sylvester Faith Formation Program

The Faith Formation program here at St. Sylvester is open to children from first grade through high school, young adults seeking sacraments and those wanting to become Catholic.  Our students are instructed by our volunteer catechists, who so generously share their time, talents, faith and gifts with the youth and young adults of the parish.

Parental commitment is essential

It is our expectation that all enrolled children attend the scheduled classes, including any special meetings. Participating regularly in the Liturgy of the Eucharist (Mass) and the parish Faith Formation Program instills the Catholic faith in a child. It is important for the child to make connections between what they learn at home, in class and at Mass. Parents are expected to attend program level meetings, especially for Sacramental Preparation.  "Education in the faith by the parents should begin in the child's earliest years. Family catechesis precedes, accompanies, and enriches other forms of instruction in the faith". (Catechism of the Catholic Church #2226)  While our program will teach your child a great deal about who God is, it is your example of living the Gospel in your life that will ultimately be his/her greatest spirtual influence.

We are always looking for parent volunteers to teach (catechize) the students in the classroom.  Please consider if you are able to help support this vital ministry.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns.

Michael Lofaro - Director 631-475-4506 x:113 mlofaro@stsylvesterli.org

Fax: 631-475-1057